How do I cancel my card?

If you want to cancel your card completely, please contact customer services. 

If you are cancelling within 14 days of receiving the card, then this will be free of charge. If you want to cancel your card after this point, you may be charged an administrative cancellation fee.

You have the right to redeem any remaining balance on your card, where we can arrange to pay it into a bank account. Please note, you will need to provide a copy of a bank statement to ensure that we are transferring the money to the right person and account. A fee may also be applied depending on the circumstances of the cancellation. If you want to learn more about the process and fee before you request your card to be cancelled, please refer to your card terms. 

If you are thinking about cancelling your card, then we would love to understand the reasons why so that we can continue to improve the product for our users, so please do share any feedback with 

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